Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Renegade Revolution Radio Episode 16: Little Humans
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
In today’s episode, Sara embarks on a new topic: little humans aka the children. Little humans are often ‘trained’ to go against their intuition when it comes to things they have control over like their bodies, their nutrition and their emotions. Sara uses her own experiences to shed light on the magic the young humans hold that are coming into our planet during this auspicious time.
Sara shares a story about hiring a nanny.
She talks about the pressures and expectations for little humans today.
Sara talks about the old paradigm of parenting and introduces the new. And leaves parents with some food for thought.
Stay Connected w/Sara:
➡ Follow Sara on IG: @entrepreneursara
➡ Visit Sara's Website: www.sarayagoub.com
➡ Check out the FREE Guide to Inner Peace https://bit.ly/3oFSiff
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Renegade Revolution Radio Episode 15: 4D the Astral
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
In today’s episode, Sara continues the matrix series. She will explain how she stumbled across the 4D in a completely organic way. Though it was unintentional, she came out of her experience with new knowledge and a clear picture of what to do moving forward.
She goes into depth about meditation and different practices that brought her to a healthy state of mind, body and soul without surrendering to conventional, mainstream practices.
Sara explains what happened when she left the 3D for the 4D.
She goes into different forms of meditation and why some may not be in your best interest.
We learn about Sara’s experience with religion and how it relates to her meditative practices.
Sara explains the 4D and it’s Astral ties that are popular with New Age influencers.
Sara talks about why she stays out of the 4D and what she does instead.
Stay Connected w/Sara:
➡ Follow Sara on IG: @entrepreneursara
➡ Visit Sara's Website: www.sarayagoub.com
➡ Check out the FREE Guide to Inner Peace https://bit.ly/3oFSiff
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Renegade Revolution Radio Episode 14: Energy Update & Death of the 3D Matrix
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
BONUS! Energy Update & Death of the 3D Matrix.
Stay Connected w/Sara:
➡ Follow Sara on IG: @entrepreneursara
➡ Visit Sara's Website: www.sarayagoub.com
➡ Check out the FREE Guide to Inner Peace https://bit.ly/3oFSiff
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Renegade Revolution Radio Episode 13: Energy Harvesting and 4D Part 1
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
In today’s episode, Sara explains the concept of energy harvesting. Humanity is meant to sustain our own personal energy. The best way for her to relate this to you is to create a parallel to the way air conditioners are designed to work (a subject she knows well because of her HVAC business).
Although the human energetic body is designed to self-sustain under ideal circumstances, we're not exactly in ideal living conditions currently, are we??
This episode gets interesting real fast, so be sure to tune in and enjoy the ride. You’ll also get a preview of a bonus episode coming soon!!
We as humans have so much lifeforce energy. Sara talks about how we leak it out and how we can reclaim it.
Sara goes into trauma and how they create holes than may cause leaks of our energetic forces.
We learn a little about Robert Monroe who coined the term “Out of Body Experience.”
Sara moves into mind control research and dark forces at play.
She finishes up with intent and consent when it comes to your own personal energy.
Stay Connected w/Sara:
➡ Follow Sara on IG: @entrepreneursara
➡ Visit Sara's Website: www.sarayagoub.com
➡ Check out the FREE Guide to Inner Peace https://bit.ly/3oFSiff
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Renegade Revolution Radio Episode 12: The Matrix
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
In today’s episode, Sara launches a new series focusing on The Matrix, 3D, 4D and 5D. She will get into some backstory about the movie, The Matrix and the matrix in real life, what it is and why it exists. She will explore programming and the reason behind it, and how to break through the illusion to see the 3D matrix for what it is.
We immediately learn more about the creator of The Matrix, Sherry Stewart.
Sara gives a quick breakdown of the movie, The Matrix.
Sara talks about programming and asks some tough questions.
We get a glimpse at corporate, work life, schooling and and how it connects to the matrix programming.
Is the 3D matrix crumbling? Tune in to find out.
Stay Connected w/Sara:
➡ Follow Sara on IG: @entrepreneursara
➡ Visit Sara's Website: www.sarayagoub.com
➡ Check out the FREE Guide to Inner Peace https://bit.ly/3oFSiff
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Renegade Revolution Radio Episode 11: Energetic Update August 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
In today’s episode Sara is shedding light on the current season we’re in and how it might feel raw and big. Frequencies are accelerating, as they always do this time of the year, but each year brings with it new discoveries. She explains that in July we had an opening or a portal between us and the star Sirius. Empaths and lightworkers might feel extra sensitive to the energy around us right now.
Stay Connected w/Sara:
➡ Follow Sara on IG: @entrepreneursara
➡ Visit Sara's Website: www.sarayagoub.com
➡ Check out the FREE Guide to Inner Peace https://bit.ly/3oFSiff
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Renegade Revolution Radio Episode 10: Free Will
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
In today’s episode Sara talks about the stuckness we feel between 3D and 5D consciousness (and beyond) that we currently live in, and how to navigate the discomfort of being in both simultaneously at times.
Stay Connected w/Sara:
➡ Follow Sara on IG: @entrepreneursara
➡ Visit Sara's Website: www.sarayagoub.com
➡ Check out the FREE Guide to Inner Peace https://bit.ly/3oFSiff
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Renegade Revolution Radio Episode 9: Ascension Symptoms
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
In today’s episode Sara explains Ascension symptoms how you may find some relief from these ailments as you continue your ascension journey. This episode also goes into a deeper look at one of the more questionable and corrupt institutions of our modern world: Big Pharma.
Yep, had to take it there, hope it doesn't get me censored :)
Stay Connected w/Sara:
➡ Follow Sara on IG: @entrepreneursara
➡ Visit Sara's Website: www.sarayagoub.com
➡ Check out the FREE Guide to Inner Peace https://bit.ly/3oFSiff
Key Ideas:
Sara talks about the body and it’s amazing self-preservation and healing properties when we focus on natural remedies and being intune with what it needs.
She’s getting down to brass tacks and talking about Big Pharma and how it distracts us from finding the root cause of our issues.
Sara goes into more detail about what ascension symptoms are and how they are signs that we are “upgrading” our operational systems.
In this section of the podcast, Sara gives some insight into natural medicines, unconventional foods and other ways to help alleviate ascension symptoms.
Sara shares her experience with fasting and how it might help in the ascension journey.
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Renegade Revolution Radio Episode 8: Ascension & Awakening
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
In today’s episode Sara talks about Ascension and Awakening and the current Ascension cycle we’re in right now. You’ll learn more about the precession of the equinoxes, how Mother Earth plays into all of this and the activation happening within all of us.
Stay Connected w/Sara:
➡ Follow Sara on IG: @entrepreneursara
➡ Visit Sara's Website: www.sarayagoub.com
➡ Check out the FREE Guide to Inner Peace https://bit.ly/3oFSiff
Sara dives right into ascension and awakening with a macro view of what this means.
In this section we’ll hear more about the Mayan calendar and its connection to how things are unfolding in our current world.
Sara and Mother Earth get personal and shed some light on the interconnectedness of our inner beings, dark and light energy.
At this point, she talks about DNA and genetic activation and how change and growth truly begins with us.
Sara shares tips and tricks to protect your energy and your light.
Sara drills down to the core of dark forces and how you can protect yourself and others while staying in tune with the agendas that they force upon us.
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Renegade Revolution Radio Episode 7: Current Events
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Sara shares her thoughts on current events up to June 2021.
Stay Connected w/Sara:
➡ Follow Sara on IG: @entrepreneursara
➡ Visit Sara's Website: www.sarayagoub.com
➡ Check out the FREE Guide to Inner Peace https://bit.ly/3oFSiff